Kutajärvi nature trail – 2,8 km
Last updated: 08.07.2024Lake Kutajärvi is a small but wonderful natural destination, which is definitely worth a stop.
Monni Himari, Kaikokaipuu blogger
Lake Kutajärvi is located between the church village of Hollola and the municipal center. The lake is part of a larger Natura 2000 area called the Kutajärvi area. In addition to Lake Kutajärvi, the area includes four separate bays in Vesijärvi. Vesijärvi is a large lake influenced by groundwater, valuable for its aquatic flora, and Lintulahti is also exceptionally diverse in its species of aquatic plants.
The Kutajärvi area is an internationally valuable bird water area. The area of Lake Kutajärvi is about 1,5 km2. The shores of the lake are partly very overgrown and marshy. The lake is an important bird watching area. The Kutajärvi area is protected by nature conservation, building and water laws. Actions that affect birds are prohibited, such as dredging and drying.
Vesijärvi Foundation , opens in a new tabA nationally valuable landscape area
The Kastari-Hatsina-Kutajoki landscape area is one of Finland's nationally defined as valuable landscape areas. The value of the landscape area is based not only on the cultivated landscape, but also on the traditional building stock and culturally historically valuable sites. In addition, the value is influenced by diverse and culturally influenced nature.
In the landscape area of Kastari-Hatsina-Kutajoki (Uskila, Hatsina, Sairakkala, Kastari, Pyhäniemi, kirkonkylä) beautiful Hämälä farmland opens up. The cultural-historical sites with their valuable buildings and ancient remains are mostly concentrated around the church village. Among the natural features, the forested ridge formations of Salpauselka and Vesijärvi dominate. Other important bodies of water are e.g. Kutajärvi and Sairakkalanjärvi, as well as Kiikunlähde, are valuable in terms of birds.
216 bird species and southern rarities
The breeding birds include gulls, waterfowl, waders and sparrows. Wetland birds also include collared stork, crane, plover and brown marsh hawk. The most abundant species are the reed warbler and the willow warbler, which thrive in reed and shrubbery, but the laughing gull also lives in a few small colonies in the park areas and osmankääma islands.
Rare birds of the area:
- tern
- bittern
- cocks
- liro
- whistling
- bee hawk
- black-throated puffin
- black tern
- griffon hawk
- 2,8 km
- Bird tower
- Campfire site
- Salpauselkä Geopark
- Camping
- Bird watching
- Reserve
The route can be reached on foot, on foot, by bike or car, and by public transport.
- Park in the marked area
- Access to private areas is prohibited
- Keep animals on a leash
- Respect nature and those who walk there
- Making fire in the area is prohibited
- In an emergency, call 112
- Enjoy nature and its purity
Everyman's rights mean the rights of every citizen to use nature, regardless of who owns the area or is its holder. However, as an exception, for example, the areas of the defense forces.
In order to use nature within the limits allowed by everyman's rights, you do not need the landowner's permission and you do not have to pay anything for using them. Everyman's rights, however, always include a requirement to be harmless. The right must not be used in a way that causes harm or disruption. These rights and restrictions apply to everyone.
Everyone in the Kutajärvi area:
- Avoid moving around the lake during bird nesting time or at least try to move without disturbing the nesting birds and chicks
- Moves only on longwood paths
- Use a rowing boat when moving on the water, as Motor boating is prohibited in Kutajärvi
- Do only worm fishing or ice fishing, as other fishing is subject to a permit
- No trash environment
- Doesn't break branches, doesn't cut down small trees and doesn't collect plants from the side of the path
- No fuss
- You are a guest in the birds' resting and nesting area. Respect the home peace of the birds!
- By being as quiet and unobtrusive as possible, you can see more. Then you take into account the inhabitants of the bird lake and other users of the tower.
- The birds notice your arrival and gradually get used to you. If you wait at least half an hour, most of the birds around the tower will have reappeared.
- You can usually see little from the bird tower with the naked eye. Bring binoculars or a telescope whenever possible.
- The bird towers have descriptions of the most commonly seen and heard species. However, it is worth booking a bird book with you on the trip.
- Move around the tower as little as possible and carefully while others are watching the birds. Movement shakes the tower and makes viewing with binoculars or a telescope almost impossible.
- By telling others about the birds or animals you spot, you share the joy of your observations.
- The tower is worth visiting in varying conditions. You may be surprised how much the outlook varies in different years at the same time, in different seasons and on different days or at different times of the day. Sometimes the best experiences are experienced at night or even in rainy weather.
- Take all the trash you brought with you. In nature, they look ugly even years later. A considerate person also does not smoke in the tower.
- Record your visit in the observation notebook for the joy of others! The marking tells about the use of the tower and promotes the protection of birds.
Salpauselkä Geopark destination
Both Lake Kutajärvi and the neighboring bays of Vesijärvi belong to the national bird water conservation program and the Natura 2000 network. Together with the bays of Lake Vesijärvi, the lake also forms a Ramsar area belonging to the global agreement protecting wetlands.
The nature of the Lahti region: Lake Kutajärvi , opens in a new tab Kaukokaipuu travel blog , opens in a new tab