Guided exercise

Last updated: 07.01.2025

The sports services of the municipality of Hollola organize versatile sports opportunities and guided sports as well as sports counseling.

Guided exercise groups are available for adults. Sports clubs and the Wellamo College also organize guided sports activities for adults and children in many sports venues in the municipality.

Exercise for adults

Hollola's sports services offer sports for adults of all ages. Sports dates at the library's Event Square are low-threshold sports that are well suited for both beginners and more experienced enthusiasts, taking into account physical and other limitations. In Judosal, Soramäentie 31, fitness circles, fitness classes, body care and gym guidance are organized. You can move in groups according to your own fitness level.

Exercise calendar autumn 2024–spring 2025

Those who were in groups in the fall automatically have a place for the spring season. The spring payments (20e) are taken care of in weeks 50-51 (if you have paid when registering for the spring season, your payment is ok).

Vacant places in guided groups can be asked directly from the physical education instructors.

Chair gymnastics and body care dates are free of charge without advance registration.


  • Autumn or spring season: 20 euros

The municipality has the right to cancel classes without compensation.

Physical education instructors
044 780 1320
044 780 1293

2.9.24-9.12.24 (not week 43)
13.1.25-28.4.25 (not week 9, not 21.4.)

8.15:9-XNUMX Body care

Mobility and balance exercises.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

9-9.45 a.m. Gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

From 10 to 10.45 a.m. Fitness circle

Muscle fitness and balance exercises. Quick transitions.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

11-11.45:XNUMX a.m. Light fitness circuit

Muscle fitness and balance exercises. No floor level movements. Peaceful transitions.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

11-11.45 a.m. Light gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises with and without equipment. No floor level movements. Peaceful transitions.
Gym, Soramäentie 31

12:12.45-XNUMX Body care

Mobility and balance exercises.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

At 13.30:14.15-14.30:15.15 and XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX:XNUMX Hämeenkoski school gym

Muscle training with equipment.
Registration only by phone 044 780 1268 Wed 14.8. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

14.15:14.45-XNUMX:XNUMX Chair jumping date

Does not take place on 28.10. Note! Last time in spring 24.3.
The event square of the main library. Free.

3.9.24-10.12.24 (not week 43)
7.1.25-22.4.25 (not week 9)

11.30:12-XNUMX:XNUMX Chair jumping date

Does not take place on 1.4., 8.4.
The event square of the main library. Free.

17-17.45 a.m. Gym

With a varying theme, using your own body weight and equipment.
Areenasali, Kankaa school

4.9.24-11.12.24 (not week 43)
8.1.25-23.4.25 (not week 9)

At 9.15:10-XNUMX Kalliola gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises.
Rock hall
Registration only by phone 044 780 1320 Wed 14.8. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

From 10 to 10.45 Kalliola body care

Mobility and balance exercises.
Rock hall
Registration only by phone 044 780 1320 Wed 14.8. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

At 11.30-12 Body care dates
Does not take place on 2.4., 9.4.

The event square of the main library. Free.

5.9.24-12.12.24 (not week 43)
9.1.25-24.4.25 (not week 9)

At 9-9.45:9.45 and 10.30:XNUMX-XNUMX:XNUMX Hämeenkoski fitness district

Muscular fitness and balance exercises.
Kosketar, Koivukuja 7
Registration only by phone 044 780 1268 Wed 14.8. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

From 10 to 10.45 a.m. Light gym

Functionality and balance exercises. No floor level movements. Finally, 15 min. body care.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

11-11.45 a.m. Gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises. Finally, 5 min. body care.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

From 11 to 11.45:XNUMX a.m. Gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises. Quick transitions.
Gym, Soramäentie 31

11.30:12-XNUMX:XNUMX Chair jumping date

Does not take place on 3.4., 10.4.
The event square of the main library

From 12 to 12.45:XNUMX Body care district

Mobility and balance exercises from point to point.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

13-13.45 Men's gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises with and without equipment.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

14-14.45 Women's gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises with and without equipment.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

6.9.24-13.12.24 (not week 43, not 6.12.)
10.1.25-25.4.25 (not week 9, not 18.4.)

8.00:8.45-XNUMX Body care

Mobility and balance exercises.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

From 9 to 9.45 a.m. Fitness circle

Muscle fitness and balance exercises. Quick transitions.
Judo hall, Soramäentie 31

From 10 to 10.45:XNUMX a.m. Gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises with and without equipment.
Gym, Soramäentie 31

11-11.45 a.m. Light gym

Muscle fitness and balance exercises with equipment. No floor level movements. Peaceful transitions.
Gym, Soramäentie 31

11.30:12.15-XNUMX:XNUMX Chair jumping date

Does not take place on 4.4., 11.4.
The event square of the main library

Thursday 27.6. Trip to Kalliolaavu (Kalliola fitness track)

Welcome from baby to danger. Sausage roast at approx. 11.30:XNUMX a.m. at Kalliolaavu and also a small program.
For those who are eager, a joint departure from the sandy field of Kalliola school at 11.00 p.m.
A joint trip back to school at 13.30 p.m.
Sausage and juice for the organizer.

Exercise counseling

Hollola's sports services offers exercise counseling, which is carried out at the Salpakakka health center. Free exercise counseling is intended for those who do not exercise enough in terms of their health and well-being. The exercise counselor provides information about health-promoting exercise and the municipality's exercise opportunities, as well as support for goals that are planned together with the exerciser, taking into account the wishes. Exercise counseling is a step-by-step and goal-oriented process that includes meetings and/or contacts between the client and professionals.

How is it possible to get a sports advisor?

Salpakkanka health center, Terveytie 2, 15870 Hollola, from 8.00:15.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
The appointment number for exercise counseling is 03 880 2401.

You can also book an appointment directly with the physical education instructors on 044 780 1320, 044 780 1293 or 044 780 1268.

Home dance

On the Hollola municipality's YouTube website, you can find a variety of instructions for exercising at home. Go check out the videos and enjoy some fun moments!