Association activities

Last updated: 15.07.2024

There are numerous active organizations, associations and clubs operating in Hollola, whose activities support the opportunity for the citizens to participate, influence and do things that are meaningful to them. In addition, the organizations are an important partner of the municipality, promoting the conditions for well-being and health in Hollola.

The municipality supports association activities

The municipality annually supports the activities of associations with grants, which associations and organizations registered in Hollola can apply for from the municipality of Hollola.

The Culture and Welfare Committee annually submits an allocation to the municipality's budget to be used to support the activities of the associations.

According to the administrative rules, the cultural and welfare committee decides on the allocation of grants to organizations within the framework of the available funds. Associations/organizations registered in Hollola can apply for assistance for their activities from the municipality of Hollola.

Grants supporting association activities in 2024 can be applied for from 1.2 February to 29.2.2024 February XNUMX.

Grants that support operations are grants involving associations/organizations. The activity support grant supports the activities of the association, which promotes the activity and/or participation of the citizens in the activities/events. It must be possible to participate in subsidized products without membership. The supported products are a club, a disco, an Independence Day party for local residents, another event or your own product. Reasons for the necessity of the grant are recorded in the application. The requested grant is justified in the application, why it should be supported. When applying for assistance, the association undertakes to follow the joint substance abuse policy of Dutch associations. The link to the form is in the electronic transaction bar. The link opens on February 1.2.2024, XNUMX

The allocation for the Production Support Grant reserved for this year has been used. Production support can no longer be applied for in 2024.
Dutch associations are offered a production support grant targeted at non-core activities. The application period is annually from 1.1 January to 31.10 October. or as long as there is money to be distributed. The association can apply for production support offered to associations, for example, for organizing an event or for other activities of general interest that activate association members and/or municipal residents. The grant must be applied for well in advance of the date of the aided activity. In good time means no later than two weeks before the meeting of the education and welfare committee, so that it can be prepared and put on the agenda. The meetings are on 24.1., 21.2., 20.3., 24.4., 15.5. (note the changed day), 12.6., 21.8., 25.9., 9.10., 20.11. and 11.12. The decision to assist an activity/event is made before the organized activity/event - events held are not assisted afterwards.

Distribution criteria for the production subsidy

The municipality of Hollola has maintained a link list of associations on its website. The link list will be removed in the future and we hope that the associations will add their information to the site.


Holjutai Association

Trade union activity

Hollola JHL ry

Hollolan Yrittäjät ry

Jyty Lahti Association

SuPerin Tiirismaan ao ry

Tehyn Peruspalvelukeskus Oiva professional association

Shooting sports

Hollola reserve officers' club

Hollola's Urheilijat -46 ry

Kosken reserve officers association

Special Weapon Club ry

A car

HJK – Hollola Jaguar Club Association

Retirement activities

Eläkeliiton Hollola association

Eläkeliiton Hämeenkoski association

Hollolan Eläkkensaajat ry

Hollola national seniors association

Hollola service house association Huili ry

Salpakkanka Pensioners Association


Laitiala Luja association


Messilän Golf Association


Hollola-Salpakangas Rotary Club

Lions Club Hollola ry

Lions Club Hollola/Kapatuosio ry

Lions Club Hollola/Pirunpesä association

Lions Club Salpakangas ry


Hollolan Nasta ry

Hollola's Urheilijat -46 ry

Laitiala Luja association

Gymnastics and Sports Club Herralan Hukat ry


Herralan Urheilijat ry

Physical jerks

Herralan Urheilijat ry

Hollolan Voimistelu ry

Kins ry

Sports club Hollolan Toverit ry


Hollolan Voimistelu ry


Holjutai Association


HC Giants ry

Paimelan Ball Club

Pelicans 2000 Hollola association

Kettlebell exercise

Hollolan Voimistelu ry

Fishing and management of water bodies

Hollola pilkki ry

Laitiala Luja association

Matjärvi Conservation Society.

Non-governmental organizations

Finnish Red Cross Hollola

Folk dance

Hollola's Youth Association

Matit and Maijat ry

Bowling ball

Flexo Kaukis ry

Club activities

Hollola 4H Association

Sports club Hollolan Toverit ry

Gymnastics and Sports Club Herralan Hukat ry

Homeland and tradition

Herralan Kotiseutuyhdistys ry

Hollola Karjalaseura ry

Hollola Kotiseutuyhdistys ry

Hollola youth center Kukko

Hämeenkoski Karjalaseura ry

Hämeenkoski Agricultural and Household Association

Koski-seura ry

About Hl. reserve officers association

About Hl. Sotveteranit ry

Medium aevum Hollolense ry

Putula library and home community association

Dog hobby

Hollola Tokotiimi ry

Lahti Seudun Etsintäkoirat ry

Salpausselkä chicken dog club association


Sports club Hollolan Toverit ry

Physical exercise

Hollolan Gymnastics ry.

Gymnastics and Sports Club Herralan Hukat ry

Gym operations

Municipality of Hollola

Choir song

Hollola Men's Choir Association

Hollola Naislaulajat ry

Hollola Viihdekooro ry

Hollola parish church choir

Hämeenkoski church choir

Family activities with children

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare Hollola Association

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare Hämeenkoski Association

Children's sports

Hollolan Gymnastics ry.


Hollolan Voimistelu ry


Salpis ry

Sports club Hollolan Toverit ry

Gymnastics and Sports Club Herralan Hukat ry

Mart association activities

Heinlam's Marttayhdistys ry

Herralan Marthat ry

Hollola Miekkiön Marttayhdistys ry

Marta Association of Kalliolan

Keski-Hollola Martat ry

Laitiala Marttayhdistys ry

Länsi-Hollola Martat ry

Okeroinen Martat ry

Paimelan Marthat ry

Tennilä Marttayhdistys ry


Association of paddlers

Hunting and game management

Kosken Metsästysseura ry

Okeroinen Erämiehet ry


Hollola boat club association

HRT Motor Sled Association

Team Maxi Racing association

Agriculture and Forestry

MTK-Hämeenkoski Association


Hollola live music promotion association

Hollola Harmonikat ry

Hollola Kirkkooro ry

Hollolan-Kärkölä Brass Band Association

Hollola Men's Choir Association

Hollola Naislaulajat ry

Hollola's Youth Association

Hollola Viihdekooro ry

Hämeenkoski Parish Choirs Association


Gymnastics and Sports Club Herralan Hukat ry

Youth clubs

Hollola's Youth Association

Hämeen-Kosken Youth Association

Matit and Maijat ry

Vesikansan Nuorisoseura ry

Home and village associations

Hangasmäki Owner Association

Heinäsuo village association

Hollola Kirkonseutu Villages Association

Kartanon Omakotiyhdistys ry

Länsi-Hollola Village Association

Miekkiö Kyläyhdistys ry

Soramäki Owner Association

Tiilikanka Owner Association


Hollolan Voimistelu ry


Hollola Hirvenhihitäjät ry

Political organizations

Hollola Kokoomus ry

Hollolan Perussuomalaiset ry

The Left Association of Hollola

Hollola Green Association

Hämeenkoski Kokoomus ry

Hämeenkoski Sosialidemokraatit ry

Keskustanainen Hollola local society association

The Hollola municipal association of the Social Democratic League.

Local branch of the Finnish Christian Democrats (KD) in Hollola


Hollola boat club association

Etelä-Päijänne Jollakeskus youth activities


Rettikunta Racing association

Sobriety activity

Hollola's A-Kilta ry


Hollola Ratsastajat ry

Hämeenkoski Ratsastajat ry

Korpkylä riders association

Playsson Riders ry

Indoor bandy / volleyball

Herralan Urheilijat ry

Hollola's Salibandy association

Hollola's Urheilijat -46 ry

Kosken Dynamo ry

LASB Juniorit ry

SB Coyotes Association

Sports club Hollolan Toverit ry

Gymnastics and Sports Club Herralan Hukat ry


Hämeenkoski Shakkiharukka ry


Hollola's Youth Association


Hollola's Urheilijat -46 ry


Hollola's Urheilijat -46 ry

Family clubs

Mikko Antinpoika Simola family association

Parikan Sukuseura ry


Country Heels & Toes association

Hollola's Youth Association

Hollolan Voimistelu ry

Matit and Maijat ry

Rauhamaa dansii ry

Theater and art

Heinäsuo Näytelmäpiiri ry

Hollolan Taideyhdistys ry

Swimming and swimming school activities

Hollola Avantouimarit ry

VesiVeijarit association

Religious ones

Friends of Allan Kardec's study association

Hollola Pentecostal Church

Indoor broadcasting club Safed ry

Free fire brigades

Hakosilta-Nostava VPK ry

Herrala VPK ry

Central Hollola voluntary fire department association

Kosken VPK ry

Vesikansan Volunteer Fire Brigade ry

Parent associations

Hollola Yläasteen Yty ry

Parents Association of Hämeenkoski Schools

Tilkki Association

Aquatic gymnastics

VesiVeijarit association


Hollolan Voimistelu ry.

Matit and Maijat ry

Environmental protection

Hollola's Environmental Association


Hollolan Nasta ry

Hollola's Urheilijat -46 ry

Kosken kuuhu ry

Gymnastics and Sports Club Herralan Hukat ry

Other, unclassified

Voluntarily, Lapsettomat ry

HOLY – Hollola beer association

  • Space reservations

    Space reservations

    The municipality of Hollola has several facilities suitable for different needs for the use of municipal residents and associations.

Hollola's associations in the Lähällä.fi service , opens in a new tab Patent and Registration Authority association search , opens in a new tab