Employment services to support the recruiter

Company - is hiring current?

If you need manpower, ask more about manpower services

Should you recruit and need help?

Come to a free recruitment consultation for employment services!

Is hiring current? Are you hiring your first employees or has it been more time since the last recruitment?

Get to know the topic and ask more
We know the local workforce - we can map the municipality's jobseekers with experts for your workforce needs.

From January 1.1.2025, XNUMX, we will be part of Päijät-Häme employment services, which offers the services of the labor authority in our municipality from the beginning of the year onwards. The change is part of the law reform, which TE services will be transferred to municipalities from 2025.

Get in touch with labor needs

At Hollola municipality's Employment services, we want to support employers in finding the right employee for their particular need. We offer Jobseekers from Gotholle job search support, but also various job boards for their own field.

Local working life events

  • Työtreffit job search event 2 times a year. The next job search event will be held in the spring of 2025. You can register as a presenter or inquire about the event from employer services.
  • Depending on the employer's needs, various information and job interview events for workforce needs.

Are you looking for labor in a wider area?

The Päijät-Häme employment service number will help you with labor force mapping: 044 416 4886 / tyonantajapalvelut@hameentyovoimapalvelut.fi.

Contact information for the employer:
Mari Ylä-Uotila | Employment services | tel. 044 780 1217 | tyollisyspalvelut@hollola.fi