Located in Hollola

Last updated: 08.07.2024
the picture shows a map of business areas in Hollola and the distances in kilometers to the nearest big cities

The location of Hollola's business areas is logistically ideal for the company. The municipality does not have its own offices for rent, but we help companies find them.

Great - you are interested in Hollola, the Lahti region!

If you are considering locating in our area or are looking for a place to expand your operations - contact Hollola's business service. We help you find a solution that suits your needs, guide and advise on the right services. Our plot selection is extensive and you can explore it in more detail from the business areas and plots link.

Business areas and plots of land , opens in a new tab

Plots can also be browsed through the eTontti service, which will be completed during 2023.

eTontti service , opens in a new tab

Premises and business plots

You can also find business premises and business plots in Hollola through Ladec's directory, and there you can also list your own business premises for sale or rent free of charge.

Business premises directory of the Lahti region , opens in a new tab

You get customized and free All Inclusive investor service from LADEC

The municipality of Hollola offers to companies interested in locating in Hollola the All Inclusive investor service of Lahten Seudun Kehitys LADEC Oy. It is free of charge and does not bind you to anything. Lahten Seudun Kehitys Oy LADEC's experts and free advisory services are therefore at your disposal if Hollola is interested in your company!

All Inclusive resident service , opens in a new tab

You are served by:

Kati Tuominen
+358 50 471 8233

Marian Vainionmäki
+358 40 505 7775

Read more and fall in love with the possibilities of the Lahti region. Hollola is part of the developing Lahti region.

Lahti Business Region , opens in a new tab