All official services for jobseekers from Hollola from 1.1.2025 January XNUMX
Last updated: 27.01.2025Job seeker services are being renewed and the Päijät-Häme employment services have started operating as of January 1.1.2025, XNUMX.

From January 1.1.2025, XNUMX, every job seeker in Hollola deals with the labor authority locally. Päijät-Häme's labor services act as the labor authority.
You can read the most common questions about the change Päijät-Hfrom the employment services question page of ämeen.
Frequently asked questions about the labor service change
TE offices will cease to operate at the end of 2024 and public employment services were transferred from the state to the responsibility of municipalities as of January 1.1.2025, XNUMX.
Also at The municipal employment experiments ended on 31.12.2024 December XNUMX. and as a resident of Hollö, your customer service will automatically be transferred to the responsibility of Päijät-Häme employment services.
The goal of the reform is to facilitate and speed up the employment of municipal residents and help companies find employees.
You don't need to do anything separately for the change.
Your job application remains valid and you will be paid unemployment benefit as normal. You can continue your job search as you have agreed with your personal coach or expert.
You will be contacted by Päijät-Häme employment services in early 2025. Customers of both the TE office and the municipal experiment will automatically be transferred to employment services.
You can start your job search electronically at Työmarkkinatori In the Asiointi online service during the change.
If you are unable to use the online service, please contact the Päijät-Häme employment services during their opening hours. For more information about the employment services' opening hours and on-call service, please visit the website:
You can find the contact times of the national counseling services About the assembly of the job market.
Päijät-Häme Employment Services has an office in Hollola, Salpakankaa, at Tiilijärventie 5D, in the spare rooms of an apartment building in the municipal center (in the same building as the former municipal experiment and Hollola Employment Services).
More detailed arrival instructions can be found on the website of the labor authority:
Päijät-Häme employment services offers statutory jobseeker service in nine municipalities. The employment services are responsible for the tasks of the labor authority, i.e. the experts of the employment services in Päijät-Häme carry out the same task as the experts of the TE office or the self-coaches of the municipal experiment of employment.
Hollola employment services are voluntary services offered to job seekers and employers from Gotholland. The purpose is to offer additional support to the residents of the municipality and to support official services. They are e.g. various jobseeker trainings and methods of job search support, enable different routes to working life and support local employers in finding a workforce. You can be a customer of Hollola's employment services even if you have not officially registered as a job seeker.