Strategy and programs

Last updated: 16.10.2024

A municipal strategy is a future direction or basic idea that guides long-term decision-making and operations, approved by the municipality's highest decision-making body. The strategy includes the guidelines made as a conclusion of the interaction that took place in the municipal community and the municipal organization on what is considered the most important things and on which one particularly wants to invest.

Article: Hollola's strategy does not follow traditional paths , opens in a new tab

The municipal strategy of the municipality of Hollola is divided into two sections:

  1. A municipal strategy that answers the question: What kind of municipality will Hollola be in 2035.
  2. Programs under the municipal strategy that answer the question: What key issues will we promote in this council term 2022-2025, in order to achieve the goal for 2035 according to the municipal strategy.

The municipal strategy is both a description of the central values ​​guiding the operation and an expression of the will for the desired significant change in the municipality. In addition to strategic programs, the municipality has numerous other programs that are promoted simultaneously.

On 13.12.2021 December 2035, Hollola's municipal council approved the municipal strategy, which guides the municipality's operations and decision-making until XNUMX. The strategy defines the municipality's values: Very forward-thinking, Very brave, very appreciative ja Very agile. The municipal strategy summarizes our two-part vision as follows: Very wanted ja A very good example.

The strategic programs derived from the municipal strategy were approved by the council on June 20.6.2022, 2022. The strategic programs 2025-XNUMX illustrate the key projects that will be promoted during the council term. Strategic programs are specified in budget planning as an annual plan, and their monitoring takes place as part of the municipality's interim reports and financial statements.