
The most common infectious diseases of children in early childhood education - A guide for parents and staff , opens in a new tab


The municipality has insured the children and young people involved in its activities. The children are insured against accidents during actual early childhood education and school hours, as well as during trips directly related to the operational units, for example on the way from home to an early childhood education place or school. The insurance also covers play activities, school children's afternoon activities and other activities according to the school's academic year plan, such as e.g. camp schools and spring trips in Finland and abroad. However, the insurance does not cover expenses caused by illness or luggage. Statutory insurance is valid during the students' practical training (tet periods, manual skills subjects, laboratory work).

Instructions in the event of an accident:

  • the accident must be reported to the nurse/class teacher/class supervisor
  • the child must be referred to public or private health care: to the school nurse, health or medical center, central hospital or dental clinic, depending on the quality and severity of the accident
  • Damage compensation processing requires filling out a damage report (the form is available from the treatment facility/school)
  • the damage report is filled out by the nurse/teacher and the child's guardians
  • the early childhood education center/school submits the damage report to the welfare services
  • welfare services sends a notification to the insurance company
  • the insurance company makes the decision