Caregivers' Edlevo

Last updated: 10.01.2025

Edlevo is an early childhood education electronic system, with which guardians report children's care times, absences and substitute applicants. Edlevo is used with a free phone mobile application or a web browser without a separate application. Logging into Edlevo takes place through identification, which requires bank credentials or a mobile certificate. Edlevo works best through a web browser with Chrome, Firefox or Edge browsers. If you have problems logging in, you should try a different browser or clear the browser's cache before logging in. Only official guardians have the opportunity to use the application. If the use of Edlevo is not successful for some reason, the treatment times will be notified to the early childhood education center by the deadline. During a maintenance break, the connection to the services may be temporarily interrupted. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by possible disruptions.

Log in to Edlevo , opens in a new tab

In Guardians' Edlevo, you can:

  • report the child's care times and absences
  • inform the child of the reserve applicants
  • change phone and email contact information, the address information is updated automatically
  • From February 1.2.2024, XNUMX, terminate the customership

Notification of treatment times and absences

The care times and absences of a child in early childhood education are reported through Edlevo one and a half (1,5) weeks in advance (for example, the care times of week 10 must be reported no later than 8:24 on Wednesday of week XNUMX). After this, the service is locked, and any changes in treatment times must be reported directly to the early childhood education center. Treatment appointments can be announced six months in advance. If, due to the nature of his work, the guardian is not able to report care times within the lock-in period, he must agree on the reporting policy with the supervisor of the unit separately. However, during the lockdown period, the guardian can report the child's sudden absences for the current or the next day via Edlevo (illness or other absence). From Edlevo, you can also keep track of your child's reserved and used hours.

Surrogate applicants for a child

It is possible for the guardian to determine a replacement applicant for their child through Edlevo. The substitute applicants specified by the guardian and their phone numbers will appear in the Läsnä application at the kindergarten for the child after about half an hour's delay.

Parallel investment in round-the-clock care

If the child needs round-the-clock care and the child has a parallel placement in another unit or group, it is possible to select a parallel placement in Edlevo from the menu at the top. Treatment times and absences are reported by first selecting the correct position from the menu.

Customer termination

From February 1.2.2024, XNUMX, it is possible for the guardian to terminate the child's municipal early childhood education place only through Edlevo. An early childhood education place is terminated by selecting Child-> early childhood education center -> termination-> valid placement-> date of termination-> reason for termination and additional information. Please note that an early childhood education place cannot be terminated retroactively.