Digitization in education

Digital tools and learning materials are an important part of primary school education today. The school must provide education that is modern, motivating and prepares for working life. In Hollola municipality, students have been using the electronic M365 environment since 2017. Starting in 2022, personal devices have been acquired (in grades 3-6 an iPad and in grades 7-9 a laptop).

In 2025, all 3rd-9th graders in Hollola will have their own terminal device.
A child's fingers selecting an icon on the tablet screen.

In Hollola, information and communication technology (ICT) is systematically used in all grades of basic education, in different subjects and multidisciplinary learning units, as well as in other school work. We think that digital devices diversify and support more traditional learning and teaching. 

However, we want to emphasize that students also need a digital break.

Most of our teaching is still genuine interaction between teacher and student without the presence of digital devices.

With the help of information and communication technology, pupils are encouraged to be active, pupils' participation is increased and an opportunity is created for creativity and the discovery of personal ways of working and learning paths. Information and communication technology is used as a community work tool, which strengthens the development of interaction skills and thinking skills. ICT skills are learned to be used responsibly and purposefully as part of everyday school life.

Hollola schools have

Electronic learning environments and learning materials are online services that are used for studying. They provide suitable tools for doing and saving school work and interacting with others. Environments are always logged in with personal credentials.

Hollola elementary schools use the following electronic services and learning environments:


Through the desk, students log in to the digital services used in the school.


Wilma is used as a tool for home and school cooperation.


Microsoft's digital application environment is used versatilely in learning and as a support for it.


Ville contains ready-made study paths for example in mathematics, programming and mother tongue. The learning environment has been developed at the University of Turku.

adobe express

The cloud-based design platform can be used to create videos, PDF files, graphics and other digital content. It is safe to practice in the environment, e.g. image editing and other features of generative artificial intelligence.

Key savvy

An application for practicing the ten-finger system. You log into the environment through Desku using MPASSid.

You can find instructions for logging in here.

In addition to these, schools use electronic textbooks/tasks. The use of electronic textbooks varies by subject. The most commonly used electronic textbook series in Hollola municipality are:

  • Otava
  • SanomaPro

Student agents

Student agents support digital work at all schools. They are guided and trained by school tutors. Student agents are selected from among volunteers in the fall.

Tutor teachers

The school's tutor teachers offer digital pedagogical peer support and plan and implement learning units. Tutor teachers guide student agents.

Digital group

The municipality's digital group consists of schools' ICT managers, information management experts, representatives of early childhood education and the planner of the welfare service area. They help and guide schools in hardware, software and system matters and operate in various networks.

The schools have a total of seven different packages at their disposal, which circulate in different schools during the school year according to a prepared schedule.

The packages include Bee Bot, Sphero Indi and Lego Spike robots, VR glasses, various board games and tools related to programming and photography. The packages also contain different activity mats, tiles and instruction cards as well as challenges to support functional and independent working.

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