Secondary school place
Last updated: 21.03.2024Application for a secondary school place for the current school year
Exact student enrollment areas have been defined for Hollola municipality's schools. The pupil's pupil enrollment area and nearby school are determined by the pupil's official place of residence entered in the population register.
When a student moves to a new address in the middle of the school year within the municipality, the nearest school corresponding to the student's new address is always checked. If the nearby school changes in this context, it is possible for the guardian to apply for permission for the student to continue attending school at the current school, i.e. at a secondary school. Culture and welfare committee according to the criteria defined "A general education student who has moved within the municipality and wants to continue at his current school, may continue attending school as a secondary applicant until the end of the academic year at his current school.". The guardians take care of the school travel costs, i.e. the right to transport to the pupil's secondary school is not granted.
- Applications (link at the bottom of the page) for the current school year's secondary student place must be submitted to the school principal according to the date of the move.
- The principal makes a temporary administrative decision about the secondary school place until the end of the current academic year.
Application for a secondary school place for the next academic year
Secondary student places for all students in the following school year will be processed in a separate application round in the spring. All applications are processed as a whole at the same time and selection decisions are made Culture and welfare committee based on the selection criteria for secondary school enrollment. The guardians take care of the school travel costs, i.e. the right to transport to the pupil's secondary school is not granted.
- Applications (link at the bottom of the page) for secondary student places for the next school year must be submitted to the principal of the school to which the student is applying as a secondary applicant by 30.4. by.
- The headmaster makes the selection decisions about student places in the secondary school during the first two weeks of May.