Working and vacation times of the school year
Last updated: 23.12.2024Working and vacation times for the 2024-2025 school year of basic education
The academic year starts on August 7.8.2024, XNUMX.
The academic year ends on 31.5.2025 May XNUMX.
autumn holiday week 43, 19.-27.10.2024
Christmas holiday 21.12.2024-6.1.2025
winter vacation week 9, 22-28.2.2025 February XNUMX
The Friday after May 2.5.2025, XNUMX is a holiday.
According to § 23 of the Basic Education Act in force, there are 190 working days in the academic year. However, Independence Day, Epiphany and Labor Day falling on a Saturday are reduced from working days. Working days will be reduced to a weekday other than Saturday by Independence Day on December 6.12.2023, 1.5.2024, and May Day on May 7, 22. The school's start date is decided by the teaching organizer. According to § XNUMX of the valid basic education regulation, the school work of the school year is concluded on the last weekday of the XNUMXnd week. Otherwise, the teaching organizers can independently decide on the working and holiday hours of the schools.
The school year of basic education 2025-2026 working and holiday hours are:
The academic year starts on Thu 7.8.2025 August XNUMX.
The academic year ends on Sat 30.5.2026 May XNUMX.
autumn holiday week 43, (October 20 – 26.10.2025, XNUMX)
Christmas holiday 21.12.2025 December 6.1.2026 – XNUMX January XNUMX
winter holiday week 9, (February 23.2 – March 1.3.2026, XNUMX)