School youth work
Last updated: 22.01.2024Youth work is strongly involved in various planned processes at schools. The main goals of the work done in schools are increasing inclusion and community spirit, social strengthening and prevention of exclusion.
Different processes of school youth work
Lions Quest
The LQ education program enables long-term grouping of groups of students and going through and supporting different areas of life according to the level required by each age group. All 5th graders are involved in thinking and acting for one hour a week according to the Kompassi direction for life program, guided and supported by youth counselors. The exercises of the LQ program are also used, if necessary, for the grouping of other groups.
Even joint stage work
The detective youth work guides and is part of flexible basic education, participates in "opo classes" and helps those who have finished basic school in the joint phase to find a place to continue.
Cooperation with parents
Youth workers participate as planned in the parents' evenings of different grade levels and support the important work of parents' associations/committees, with a targeted emphasis especially on middle schoolers.