Environmental control contact information

Last updated: 09.12.2024

Environmental protection and monitoring is located in Viirikuko, at Tiilijärventie 7 F, Hollola. Environmental control is available from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 15 p.m. Appointments must be arranged separately. The environmental protection authority of the municipality of Hollola is the control division of the vitality committee. The environmental control office holders are:

Environment Secretary Sameli Männistö (during the Christmas holidays 23.12.2024-3.1.2025)
044 780 1510, sameli.mannisto@hollola.fi
E.g. supervisor of the supervisory division in environmental matters, registrations and environmental permits of distribution stations and asphalt stations, environmental permits for stone crushers and energy production facilities, soil permits and supervision, chemical matters, water supply and groundwater matters, supervision of the Waste Act (e.g. littering)

Environmental inspector Jenna Kenttä (during the Christmas holidays 23.12.2024-3.1.2025)
044 780 1438, jenna.kentta@hollola.fi, working days Monday-Thursday
E.g. environmental permits for concrete plants, animal shelters and waste handling, preparation of joint permits in accordance with the Soil Materials Act and the Environmental Protection Act, agricultural environmental protection (e.g. fallowing notices, manure spreading notices, etc. monitoring of the nitrate regulation), noise notices, utilization of concrete waste in land construction

Environmental inspector Mari Pihlaja-Kuhna (during the Christmas holidays 23.12.2024-3.1.2025)
044 780 1439, mari.pihlaja-kuhna@hollola.fi
E.g. environmental permits for shooting ranges, VOC facilities, motor sports tracks and fish farming, water protection, monitoring of the Water Act, stormwater and nature conservation matters, cross-country traffic act, water traffic act, waste water matters, monitoring of the waste act (e.g. littering)

The official ones applications and notifications should be sent by e-mail to kirjaamo@hollola.fi or by mail to Hollola municipality, PO Box 66, 15871 HOLLOLA.

The tasks of the municipality's environmental protection authority include handling environmental protection authority tasks defined in many laws and general promotion of environmental protection. The official tasks include, among other things, the processing of notifications and applications related to environmental protection and various supervisory tasks. In addition, the municipality's environmental protection authority participates in e.g. For the ELY center's decision-making, for example by giving statements.

Notifications and applications to the municipality's environmental protection authority include e.g.

  • land permit application
  • environmental permit application
  • notification according to the general notification procedure of the Environmental Protection Act
  • registration of activities in the environmental protection information system
  • noise notification according to the Environmental Protection Act
  • Notifications according to the nitrates regulation (breakthrough notification, notification of manure application in exceptional circumstances)
  • notifications according to environmental protection regulations
  • exemption applications according to the Water Supply Act
  • application according to Section 30 of the Land Transport Act
  • application according to Section 106 of the Water Transport Act
  • written initiations in matters under the competence of the environmental protection authority

Official duties also include, for example, monitoring of the Waste Act, matters related to soil protection and monitoring of regulations issued under the Environmental Protection Act. The environmental protection authority's tasks include promotion tasks related to, for example, groundwater and surface water protection, waste management, air quality and planning. In many respects, promotion and authority tasks also overlap, because, for example, groundwater protection plays a major role in the supervision of operators subject to environmental permits, and the supervision of the nitrate regulation is related to water protection.

Decisions regarding regional environmental matters are made by regional administrative agencies (AVI), regional business, transport and environment centers (ELY) and the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (TUKES)