Water protection

Last updated: 08.01.2025

In addition to Lake Vesijärvi, there are many small lakes in Hollola. The municipality has decided to be an active player in water protection. The water vision for the years 2020 – 2025 creates guidelines for future actions. In the municipality's strategy and in surveys conducted to the municipality's residents, the importance of nearby nature and recreation values ​​is emphasized for the people of Hollola. The vision is implemented in cooperation with various parties. Everyone who wants to can participate in the work. The background material for the vision is an idea bank, which contains measures outside the vision and possible measures for the next program period.

The condition of Hollola's small lakes is regularly monitored. There are a total of 19 lakes in regular monitoring, many of which have been added to monitoring in 2022. The monitoring includes Ahvenainen, Arkiomaanjärvi, Hahmajärvi (mandatory monitoring), Hedelmätarhanlampi, Iso-Lano, Iso-Tiilijärvi, Kalliojärvi, Keski-Tiilijärvi, Kastarlammi, Kutajärvi, Leppälammi, Likojärvet (bigger), Matjärvi, Mustajärvi, Sairakkalanjärvi, Soltinjärvi, Työtjärvi, Valkjärvi and Vähä-Tiilijärvi. The official swimming beaches are managed by the unit responsible for the maintenance of sports facilities, and the health protection authority is responsible for monitoring the swimming waters.

Water protection actors and cooperating parties

One of the significant actors in water protection in the region is Vesijärvi Foundation. The foundation has Hollola municipality's website own page, where you can read more about the foundation and its activities.

Itä-Uudenmaa and Porvoonjoki water and air protection association aims to promote water and air protection in its area of ​​activity and to act as an expert and cooperation organization for its members. The association's domain is formed according to the catchment areas of the river basins. Almost a third of the area of ​​Hollola municipality, i.e. about 30% (223 km2) is located in the Porvoonjoki catchment area and the municipality is a member of the association. Hollola municipality's wastewater is led to the Ali-Juhakkala wastewater treatment plant in Lahti, from where it is discharged into the Porvoonjoki. Itä-Uudenmaa and Porvoonjoki Water and Air Protection Association carries out, for example, Monitoring of Porvoonjoki's fisheries and joint monitoring of Porvoonjoki's watershed and leads various projects and coordinates Porvoonjoki's advisory board. Porvoonjoki's only original trout population lives in Hollola's Vähäjoki.

Vanajavesi Center and the Vanajavesi Foundation behind it support management, research and renovation activities aimed at improving the condition of the waterways, environment and landscape of the Vanajavesi area and strengthening the related attractiveness. To the extent possible, the foundation promotes the protection and sustainable use of nature and the environment elsewhere. The operating area of ​​the Vanajavesi Center is the catchment area of ​​Vanajavesi, broadly understood. The area stretches from Lempäälä in the north to Riihimäki in the south and from Hämeenkoski in Hollola to Tammela in the east. At the moment, Vanajavesikeskus is an active operator in moving forward with the conversion of the Koskenkoski and Sahankoski dams in Hämeenkoski, Hollola, to enabling fish traffic. 

  • Vesijärvi Foundation

    Vesijärvi Foundation

    Vesijärvi Foundation coordinates the care, monitoring and research of Vesijärvi and other lakes in the region.

  • Watershed vision

    Watershed vision

    The watershed vision of the municipality of Hollola guides the guidelines for water protection in Hollola.

  • Environmental health

    Environmental health

    Päijät-Häme environmental health acts as Hollola's health protection authority.

  • Swimming beaches

    Swimming beaches

    The water quality of the swimming beaches is monitored regularly.