The municipal organization's most impressive climate measures

Last updated: 05.09.2023

We list the ongoing activities on the page and inform about their progress. Hollola municipality

Activities and progress of climate work

  1. A Climate Plan will be built for the municipality, which guides the municipality's activities towards emission reduction goals. The plan is a joint plan of all the people of Hollola, whose preparation can be influenced by those who wish to. Hollola's municipal organization has its own internal climate program. The work is also guided by the province's climate road map
  2. The municipality of Hollola monitors its energy consumption in the following areas:
    • property-specific heating
    • property-specific electricity consumption
    • street lighting
    • fuel consumption in the municipality's vehicles and work machines
  3. Energy consumption is reported annually, and emission reductions are continuously sought.
  4. The municipality of Hollola maps the climate work situation and goes through the entire municipal sector to find out the climate work situation. The work is being done diligently, but now it is collected together in covers and files. This way we can invest better in one coal, not just in a windmill 🙂
  5. The municipality of Hollola participates in the free energy consultation offered by Ramboll to the municipality.
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