Register data of buildings

Last updated: 29.09.2023

Building and apartment data are part of the population information system. Building control submits building information to the Digital and Population Information Agency (DVV) system in connection with permit procedures.

The collection and maintenance of register data has been done in different ways in different eras, so there may also be gaps in the building data. Over the past few years, Hollola has carried out survey work on building data, with the aim of improving the quality of register data.

If the owner of the building notices deficiencies or errors in the register data of the buildings he owns, he can contact the building control office to clarify the matter.

Pursuant to Section 16 of the Property Tax Act, the taxpayer is responsible for checking and reporting the construction data used as a basis for real estate taxation. Information can be reported or corrected to the Tax Administration through the Oma vero service in accordance with the instructions of the tax administration.

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