Building ordinance and fees
Last updated: 02.09.2024In addition to the Land Use and Construction Act, Ordinance and other provisions and regulations regarding the use and construction of land, the construction order regulations.
The provisions of the building code may apply to:
– construction site,
– the size of the building and its location,
– adaptation of the building to the environment,
– construction method, plantings, fences and other structures,
– care of the built environment,
– organization of water supply,
- defining the planning need area and other matters related to local construction comparable to them.
Provisions in the construction order do not apply if the general plan with legal effect, the site plan or the collection of Finnish building regulations stipulates otherwise (Section 14 of the Civil Engineering Act).
The applicant for the permit or the person performing the procedure is obliged to carry out what was decided by the building control division, valid tax corresponding fee.