Strategic master plan

Last updated: 23.01.2024

The strategic general plan is the general plan of the entire municipality, which is divided into five thematic maps.
The plan outlines the direction of the development of the community structure and the appropriate development of land use, and promotes the creation of an economic, functional and comfortable community structure.

Strategic general plan 2020, plan ID 098-Y21

The municipal council has approved Hollola's strategic general plan 10.5.2021 on 2020 May 19.8.2023, and the plan has entered into force after the appeal procedure on XNUMX August XNUMX.
The formula has been drawn up with legal effect.
In the area of ​​the strategic master plan, there are more specific partial master plans in force, e.g. Partial general plans of Hämeenkoski's downtown area, Messilä-Tiirismaa and Kalliola-Paimela. The strategic general plan also does not apply to part of the coastal areas where sub-general plans are valid.

See the maps of the strategic master plan 2020 (098-Y21) with regulations from the map service. You can view the regulations by clicking on the intended use symbol on the map.

To the map service

See the valid sub-general plans in the map service.

To the map service