Development and zoning

Last updated: 15.01.2025

Zoning is used to plan how and for what purpose land areas in the municipality are used.

With zoning, areas are reserved for, among other things, the organization of housing, business activities, transport and outdoor recreation. Zoning is divided into different plan levels. A more general master plan guides more detailed station plans. The Regional Council of Päijät-Häme is responsible for regional development and planning for the entire province.

Zoning program

The municipality prepares a zoning program once a year. The zoning program presents the zoning work program for the coming years, and at the same time aims to open up the backgrounds and goals of the object to be zoned.

The zoning program can be found through the links on the page.

Zoning review

Once a year, the municipality prepares a zoning overview of the planning issues pending in the municipality and the provincial association and those that will be pending in the near future.
The zoning review presents the planning projects that are known to the municipality during the preparation of the zoning review. The zoning objects presented in the zoning review are based on the zoning program prepared annually.
General information on the stages of processing the plan and the opportunities for municipal citizens to participate during the planning process has been collected in the planning overview.
A participation and evaluation plan is drawn up for each formula project, which explains in more detail the processing stages of the formula in question and the possibilities for participation. 

The zoning review can be found via the links.

Everyone whose conditions or interests are affected by zoning has the right to participate in the zoning process and contribute to it.

Start-up and OAS
The scheme is initiated by the municipality or a private entity.
The pending status is announced in the annual zoning review and in a separate announcement.
The participation and evaluation plan (OAS) is kept visible and feedback can be given. In OAS, it is explained how to inform about the different stages of the formula process.

Draft phase
For zoning, reports are collected and drawn up and an impact assessment is carried out.
A plan draft or drafts are prepared.
The draft plan is kept for viewing and you can give your opinion on it in writing or orally during the viewing period. In some of the site plan projects, the draft plan is kept on display at the same time as the OAS.

Proposal stage
The plan proposal is prepared based on the plan draft and the statements and opinions received. The plan proposal is kept on display and a written reminder can be left.

Acceptance phase
If necessary, the plan proposal is refined based on the statements and reminders received.
The Vitality Committee proposes the approval of the formula to the municipal board, which further proposes the approval of the formula to the municipal council.

The municipal council's approval decision can be appealed to the Administrative Court of Hämeenlinna and, after obtaining the appeal permit, to the Supreme Administrative Court.

Legal Force
The formula becomes legal if there is no appeal against the formula or after the appeal process.
The validity of the law is announced.


  • Station plans

    Station plans

    The site plan defines the purpose of use of the areas in detail.

  • Partial formulas

    Partial formulas

    The master plan generally guides the organization of land use and traffic in the municipality or part of it.

  • Strategic master plan

    Strategic master plan

    The strategic master plan includes a main map and four thematic maps.