Public roads
Last updated: 29.09.2023Hollola is administratively part of the ELY center area of Uusimaa. There are several ELY center roads in Hollola, i.e. public roads maintained by the state.
Notifications about the condition of the ELY center's roads and traffic problems can be reported by calling the Road User line on 0200 2100.
Road users, entrepreneurs and citizens are advised by the Liikentee customer service center in matters related to road maintenance and traffic:
likken.asiakaspalvelu(a) or
0295 020 600 (Mon-Fri 9am-16pm).
The Uusimaa ELY center sends the road plans for Hollola to the municipality, where they are made publicly available for 30 days.
The display will be announced in local newspapers (Hollolan Sanomat, if necessary also Etelä-Suomen Sanomat).
Municipalities have the opportunity to make a reminder about the plan during the viewing period.
The municipality gives the ELY center a statement about the road plan and forwards the reminders at the same time.