Water supply preparation and emergency situations

Last updated: 02.04.2024

Disruptive situations

Water supply fault reports are received at Lahti Aqua Oy's on-call number 0800 308 08 (24h)

Lahti Aqua Oy informs about water supply disruptions on its website www.lahtiaqua.fi and residents of the affected area by text message. If your telephone connection is secret, prepaid or owned by a company, you can add the information to the customer portal via Lahti Aqua Oy's website.

In the event of a power outage, it is important to minimize water use, even if there is water coming from the tap. In particular, the use of water that goes down the drain should be avoided in order to prevent sewer overflows into the environment and sewer flooding on properties. The Hollola water supply facility and Lahti Aqua Oy, which provides its services, are prepared to secure water supply services even in the event of a power outage. However, power outages can cause disruptions to water supply services, and in the worst case, a long power outage can cut off the water supply completely.

Hollola utilizes the services offered by Lahti Aqua Oy's large water supply facility, so that sufficient expertise and resources can be ensured even in emergency situations. Hollola's water supply facility has an up-to-date contingency plan for emergency situations. Domestic water risks are assessed using the WSP (water safety plan) tool along the entire water production chain up to the users' taps. A corresponding risk assessment tool SSP (sanitation safety plan) is also in use on the wastewater side. Management measures to reduce risks are taken regularly, e.g. by renovating facilities and water supply networks.

However, the properties are responsible for the functionality of their own water and sewer pipes inside their plots at their own expense. In particular, water pipes and sewers that are more than 50 years old and in poor condition can be a risk to both the property and the environment. Due to the increase in heavy rains, it is necessary to be prepared for sewer floods and to protect yourself from them.

Home stock

According to the authorities' preparedness recommendations, homes should be prepared to cope independently for at least three days in the event of an emergency. Two liters of drinking water per person per day should be reserved, plus water for washing and toilets. During a power outage, you should avoid draining wastewater into the sewer and especially flushing the toilet. In the event of a longer disruption, you cannot flush the toilet, but instead set up a "dry toilet" with plastic bags containing litter.
More information about home theft, e.g. from here: https://72tuntia.fi/vesi/