The project was based on the concern of the so-called harmful substances in urban waters to the environment. As a result of the project, a wide range of new research information was obtained on the overflow risks of the sewer networks in the Salpakkanka area, harmful substances and the leakage points of the industrial area into the wastewater sewer. During the project, no sewage overflows into the environment were found, and based on the environmental risk assessment, it was not estimated that the overflows and hidden leaks of Salpakakka's storm water or possible sewage drains currently cause such a significant environmental risk, the effects of which could be seen in the source area of ​​Hedelmätarha, Kintterönsuo, or in the groundwater, which have been identified as sensitive sites. The Ministry of the Environment has financed the project with 78 euros from the water protection enhancement program.


Final report

Appendix 1: Environmental technical studies report and environmental risk assessment

Research report drawing

Appendices to the research report